To view this week's newsletter, please click on the PDF link below.
1. Funding: Disability, Social Enterprise & Arts Grants
2. Funding: Three Arts Funds Open
3. Funding: 3 Social Inclusion Grants Open Now
4. Funding: ESB Wind Farm Community Funds
5. Funding: Funding For Groups Tackling Disadvantage
6. Funding: Active Citizenship & Equality Based Funding Available
7. Invite For Community Groups To St Patrick's Parade
8. Ballyjamesduff Bowling Club Invites You...
9. NYAH At Cavan Town Hall
10. Nominations Open For Charity Regulator
11. Engaging With Men
12. The Burden of Alcohol Event
13. West Cavan’s Hidden Heartland Needs You
14. Connecting, Communicating & Collaborating Event
15. Birdwatch Cavan Outing To Dundalk Bay Area
16. Training: Upcoming Local Suicide Support Trainings
17. Cavan Water Quality Report
18. Cavan Older People’s Council Drop-In Sessions
19. CavanPPN Invitation To Mark International Day For The Elimination of Racial Discimination

Left: Introducing CavanPPNs newest member of staff, Breifne the Squirrel.
Breifne will be our mascot for raising
awareness on items of concern & interest
across the communities of County Cavan.