Contents 1 Funding: Healthy Eating Projects Funding 2. Funding: Sports Capital Funding Info Workshop 3. Funding: Local Wind Farm Funding Info 4. Funding: St Stephen’s Green Trust 5. Funding: LEADER Food Initiative 6. Funding: Rural Action Awards Scheme 7. Consult: The Future of Local Democracy 8. Consult: Digital Local Government 9. Consult: Bailieborough Town Centre First Plan 10. National Heritage Week Is Here 11. National Heritage Cavan Ceili 12. Parenting Plus 13. Upcoming Events At Cuilcagh Lakelands Geopark 14. Moybolgue National Heritage Event 15. Sing For Me Music Festival 16. National Water Resources Plan 17. Words on Water 18. Cootehill Town Team Fun Quiz 19. Water Heritage Day Event 20. Reform of CAMHS 21. Department Strategy Document Supports Future of PPNs 22. Get Ireland Cycling 23. National Adult Literacy Courses 24. Community Human Rights, Discrimination & Equality 25. Cootehill Celebrates Community 26. Ballinagh Folly Fest 27. Poulthy—The Hidden Gem Event 28. Walking Treasure Hunt Cootehill 29. Mysteries From The Bog 30 Summer Volunteer Appreciation Party
31. Editorial: Refugees, The Other Side of the Story