To view this week's newsletter, please click on the PDF link below.
1. Funding: The Coca-Cola Thank You Fund
2. Funding: Some Green Awards & Funding
3. Funding: Community Centre Funding
4. Funding: Ireland Against Racism Fund
5. Funding: Arts Council Festival Fund
6. Consult: Public Consult On Irish National Philanthropy
7. Consult: Government Consult On Irish Greenhouse Gases
8. Consult: Public Consult On Cavan Bathing Areas
9 Consult: Cavan N3 Bus Stop & Park n Ride Survey
10 Consult: Public Consult On The Future Of The Boyne River
11. West Cavan Social Enterprise Development Workshop
12. PPN Countywide Roadshows Travel Cavan
13. Host A Climate Cuppa
14. Lakeside Healing Festival Returns To Cavan
15. Support The Nature Restoration Law
16. Alzheimer Society Tea Day
17. ILMI Event For Disabled People
18. Lough an Leagh Moonwalk
19. StreetFeast 2023
20. The Supporters Programme For Mental Health
21. Cavan Veggie Window Boxes 2023
22. Cavan Events For Biodiversity Week
23. Editorial: PPNs and Community Development, Clarifying Roles

Left: The beauty of Africa day celebrated the amazing richness cultural diversity brings to our society.